Enjoy your fresh Vietnamese spring rolls with an Asian inspired, Vietnamese style sunflower butter dipping sauce that is peanut-free! This delicious recipe uses sunflower seed butter as a nut-free substitute and easy to adapt with other nut-free butters. Be sure to read some important safety tips from my experiences as an allergy mom.
Appetizer, condiment, dip
peanut free, Vietnamese dip
Prep Time10minutes
Total Time10minutes
AuthorSharon @ Nut Free Wok
1/4cupsunflower seed butteror other allergy safe nut butter
3tablespoonslime juice
1tablespooncoconut aminosor use 2 teaspoons soy sauce
1tablespoonbrown sugar
1teaspoonSriracha sauceoptional, adjust to taste
1clovegarlicfinely minced
3-4tablespoonshot water
Combine all the ingredients except the hot water until smooth.
Add the hot water 1 tablespoon at a time and stir until it reaches a desired consistency (3 tablespoons if eating right away, 4 tablespoons if refrigerating overnight).
Nutrition Facts
Nut-Free Vietnamese Dip Recipe for Spring Rolls
Amount Per Serving
Calories 120
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.