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  1. Thanks for this informative article. I love that they came to be as part of “Roadmap to a Cure” brainstorming. It’s so wonderful to see OPTIONS for food allergy treatments on the horizon!

    1. Couldn’t agree more. We do need more options, I’m grateful for their systematic investigation and hope that they will be able to bring their product to market in the future.

  2. Sharon, thank you for taking the time to interview and share news about the Aimmune clinical reseach trials. Even though my youngest is paricipating in the current trial, I learned a lot! We drive 170 miles each way to participate, as Oral Immunotherapy is not offered by any doctors in our state.

  3. Thanks for the informative article Sharon! I really hope that the researchers are on to something with the lower maintenance dosing.

    If anyone is in a trial or is considering signing up for a trial, especially the PALISADE phase 3, please considering joining our Palisade Trial information and Support Facebook group. We would love to find more members throughout the world that are participating.

    1. You’re welcome, Jennifer. I’m so glad to have the opportunity to share all this good info with you and other interested readers. Your group is great, I’m so happy to be in it, thank you!!