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  1. I was hopeful that Auvi Q would bring the competition factor into Epinephrine mfg.and bring the price down to affordable means for all; however, no such luck. They are just as unaffordable as Epi-pen and this year have become the most inoperable company I have dealt with. They just don’t care to help when their system doesn’t work they can’t deliver. I have been trying to get AuviQ for my son for school since July 20, 2023 with no luck and it is August 24th. Prescription sent by Doctor, received by Aspen Pharm, approved and forwarded to filling pharmacy only to be rejected back to Aspen with no follow up communication 4 times. You would think they could figure out if something didn’t work the 1st time and 2nd time you try something different. Oh no, not Aspen, we’ll keep doing the same thing hoping for different result that doesn’t happen. So, here I sit, no AuviQ, my son can’t go to school because he doesn’t have required Rx in Nurse’s clinic and I will be held for truancy due to inept people at a greedy company. Being a widow, I go to jail and government takes my kids, will government go to jail because they can’t get meds for my son either? Such a corrupt system with lives at stake. This country is in trouble due to corrupt leaders and greed.
    Insurance, pharmaceutical companies, doctors, and government need to be overhauled completely. Get people who know how and want to work in these positions and provide no means of under the table deals corruption.