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  1. I actually don’t plan on dressing up this year. I will probably wear a Halloween tshirt to work, but that’s about it.

  2. We have an annual neighborhood party to go too but I am still undecided as to what to go as. I am thinking maybe a cat 🙂

  3. I dress “up” as a bum! It is my favorite “go to” and I love every minute of it. It still takes a little more planning than one would think or ppl will think you just got through cleaning your basement instead of a costume!

  4. We are all going to be superheroes. My boys picked batman and superman, hubby is captain America and my little ones picked Wonder Woman for me “because you are the bestest mommy”. ❤️❤️❤️ Love those boys!

  5. I think I might go as a female version of Ezio from Assassin’s Creed because I already have the costume! Gotta get my money’s worth. 😛

  6. I plan to dress up as a mom whose teen has finally reached the age of doing Halloween with his friends and not ToTing. It’s a bit of a specific costume, but it fits me to a t 🙂