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  1. I’m hosting a giveaway of Dr. Nadeau’s paperback edition of The End of Food Allergies.

    To be considered: please visit my post about my favorite FA books, scroll to the bottom and under “Leave a Reply” let me know you would like to be considered and what you hope to learn from it along with your email address. (Comments are moderated, so they won’t appear right away.)
    I will select a name randomly on Thursday 9/14 at 5 pm PT.

  2. Mighty Jax and the Cookie Surprise!!!
    Its actually a series and it comes with a doll and epinephrine pouch!

    1. Hi Tanya, I *love* lotus root, it’s so sweet and crispy when stir fried and I seem to remember playing with my food as a child because of all the holes and spider web like strands with every bite. However, I don’t have great access to fresh lotus root where I live, that I don’t buy it (note to self: buy some next time I go to San Francisco’s Chinatown). 🙂

    1. Thank you, Caroline! I appreciate your kind and helpful feedback and warm welcome. 🙂 Whooo-hoo, go Food Allergy Blogger Community!