Got Epi? Save Money!


Got epi save moneyGot Epi? Save Money

Update: since this blog post about epi was first published, a few key events have happened regarding epinephrine auto-injectors. There have been so many changes, that I’ve revised the information below as of May 14, 2017.

Disclosure/Disclaimer: This is post is not sponsored, I’m sharing this information because it’s important. I have some Amazon affiliate links, if you use them, it doesn’t affect your cost but helps to support the costs of this website. I am not a medical professional, please consult your medical care team if you have any questions.

Auvi-Q was recalled and is now back on the market with an incredible affordability program. Mylan’s EpiPen has been in the news due to extreme price increases, so now they have a $300 off copay coupon and a generic version of the EpiPen for $300. At the same time, there is another generic epinephrine autoinjector offered by Lineage Therapeutics and CVS sells them for about $10.

  • Epi-pen offer from Mylan: With the $0 co-pay card, you could be eligible to save on up to three EpiPen 2-Pak® or EpiPen Jr 2-Pak® cartons (with a maximum benefit of up to $300 per EpiPen 2-Pak) every time you fill your prescription, now through December 31, 2017. Click here for the EpiPen coupon
  • Auvi-Q offer from Kaleo: Instead of a copay coupon, Kaleo has an Affordability program. We submitted our insurance information and prescription and they took care of everything by mail. You can read about our experience in an updated post about Auvi-Q.
  • Generic EpiPen: Mylan decided to offer a generic version of the EpiPen fall 2016. It retails for $300 and they have made a $25 off co-pay coupon available on their website. Their generic epinephrine auto-injector is exactly identical to the name brand version.
  • Generic Adrenaclick: Lineage Therapeutics also offers a generic epinephrine auto-injector that is similar to Adrenaclick. Check their website for a $100 off copay coupon, order trainers, and watch a training video. CVS has lowered their price to $110 and if you apply the $100 off coupon, you can have a generic epi for $10.

There might be confusion on how to use this generic, be sure to discuss with your doctor about which type of auto-injector that is best for you. Someone in our family broke our trainer because this generic epi not very intuitive to use if you’re used to EpiPen or Auvi-Q. I highly recommend ordering extra trainers and have your family members and caregivers practice.

Know When to Use Epi

Download and print a copy of FARE’s recently revised Emergency Care Plan (also available in Spanish too) and review with your allergist when to use the epi. Keep a signed copy with you and if it’s for your child, provide copies for his or her school and other caregivers.

Emergency Care Plan, front
Emergency Care Plan, front

For general information to learn about recognizing the signs of anaphylaxis and when to use an epi, watch a 6 minute module from Allergy Home.

Knowing when to use your epi is such an important topic, that Caroline Moassesi and I teamed up with Gina Mennett-Lee when she invited us to write a series about the importance of practicing using our epi and to epi first, epi fast. Using epinephrine in a timely manner is the best way to halt anaphylaxis and avoid complications and biphasic reactions. It’s a life saving medication, carry and use it according to your emergency care plan.

Got Epi? Don’t Leave Home Without It

Our epi cases hanging on our kitchen doorknob with a reminder taped to the door!
Our epi cases hanging on our kitchen doorknob with a reminder taped to the door!

Don’t leave home without your epi, always keep them handy, and always carry 2 auto-injectors. I carried my son’s epi in my purse in a ziplock bag for years and another friend carries it in a clear cosmetic case. Now our family hangs our epi-belts on our kitchen door. My boys self-carry their Auvi-Q’s in Spi-Belts belts ordered from Amazon. The belts are lightweight, comfortable, and very discrete and both my boys really like the extra pocket. We still have the little pouches for keys, cell phones, etc. to add to the SpiBelt from OneSpot Allergy.

(Update: Epi-Essentials closed their business.) Stylish young ladies and moms might enjoy an Epi-Essential ( handbag or accessory case. I had the pleasure of meeting the owner, Dana Lustbader, at a conference and as she showed me her products, she mentioned that she ships internationally and went on to elaborate that what she wants is to make it easier for people all over the world to have access to their life-saving medicines. I fell in love with her cases and her mission! And I was thrilled to win a beautiful red accessory case as a raffle prize. The accessory case holds 1 set of epi plus bandaids, ointments, and inhalers with room to spare.

Some children would love Alert Wear products made by my friend Ann Slobodian. Her cases and designs are cheerful, bright, colorful, and so adorable. I’ve got my eye on them and am looking for a reason to order someday! Kids can enjoy designing their own case with their own unique designs. Because each product is handmade and sometimes made to order, allow plenty of time for your order to be processed.

I’ve not tried buying an epi carriers to use in extreme temperatures but I know others have for beach days and sporting events. If you have, please share in the comments below your recommendations and experiences with epi carriers that can store the medications at an appropriate temperature. I usually put our epi into an insulated lunch box and place that inside another cooler under a bench, table, sun umbrella and that is usually sufficient. At the 2016 Food Allergy Bloggers Conference, I met the inventor of EpiShell, now called MedShell, and they are in the process of seeking FDA approval for their product.

Got Epi! Check!

Prescription, coupon, and a signed Emergency Care Plan are all that you really need. Keep your epi with you at all times.The coupons will save you money, but don’t ever let the cost of an epi deter you especially since there are free or almost free options and many spiffy ways to carry your epi. Your life or your loved one’s life, safety and peace of mind is worth any expense or inconvenience.

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I won a case from EpiEssential at a conference, I am not obligated to share about them and all opinions are my own. I may mention the names of stores and/or brand names of products that I use, I have not been paid or solicited by any of the above companies to mention them. I share products and sources which I use and think may be helpful to readers, all opinions are my own. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

About Sharon Wong 282 Articles
Welcome to Nut Free Wok, a blog about Allergy Aware Asian Fare. I hope that you will find my food allergy mom experiences helpful and enjoyable to read as I write about recipes, cooking techniques, Asian ingredients, and food allergy related awareness and advocacy issues. My professional experiences include education, teaching, and a little bit of science and computers. Thank you for visiting! ~Sharon Wong, M.Ed.


    • Wonderful, thanks for sharing Kelly. I hope that my blog post will help people overcome any potential hurdles in keeping their epi handy. My boys wear their epi-belts during their PE classes, no problems!

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