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  1. Oh my! We are foodies in our house, but have spent the last 16 years avoiding traditional Asian fare due to my teen’s peanut allergy. Over the years I stumbled and blundered my way through the Trader Joe’s Lazy Mom’s versions of peanut-free Asian cooking, but this is the VERY first time I’ve encountered a food allergy mom with the smarts and talents to actually teach me how to prepare all the basics and secrets of Asian cooking in a peanut-free way!

    Here’s a recipe I’d been hoping to try for long – for Asparagus Beef Stir Fry – and I found it right here on her wonderful website “Nut Free Wok!” And I’m also now making great Sticky Rice thanks to her post on that dish, too. Wonderful find!

    Thank you Sharon Wong for starting this website and sharing all these culinary gifts with those of us who thought traditional Asian cooking was forever off our shopping lists and kitchen tables. You are amazing!

    1. Hi Louise, thank you so much for your very kind comments! I hope that you and your family enjoyed the stir fry and sticky rice dishes that you made. Thank you for being a pioneer in the food allergy community, helping and supporting through the years. See you soon!

  2. I’m really hoping to win a ticket to Food Allergy Bloggers Conference as attending last year was truly a life-changing event. For eight years I’ve run the Parents Of Kids With A Severe Peanut Allergy Group on Facebook which has been a wonderful experience but one in which names are faceless and posts lack a human voice. The minute I entered the FAB conference it all got real. I immediately started placing faces to names and my journey in the allergy world was suddenly grounded into more personal one. It made a huge difference to finally meet members of my group, countless fantastic food allergy experts and business owners – and begin forging new pathways alongside so many like-minded people sharing a love and concern for food allergy interests. Before arriving I thought I had a finger on what was going on in the allergy community, but FabCon humbled me and opened my eyes to a far richer understanding regarding current issues and treatment options I’d never have known about otherwise. I am forever grateful this conference exists! In seminars I heard about encouraging potentials for new cures on the horizon, and outside seminars dined on delicious food at a beautiful hotel in Los Vegas! A gift to share all this while taking in so much useful information. More importantly, now that I know how useful last year was to me, this year I want to take specific notes to update my my FB group on what I Iearned there and eport on issues close to them. I hope to share with them the reason why this conference is so invaluable for my group members. Most of all, I was also able to forge new friendships and network in ways that helped make my volunteer administration of POKWASPA more effective for its nearly 7,000 members. I’d love to continue that journey this year.

  3. Reason’s I would like to attend Food Allergy Bloggers Conference. First, the agenda looks outstanding! The list of speakers is a little overwhelming but that is only because it is so incredibly exciting that there are going to be so many respected advocates; like-minded people who understand. I would like to enhance my knowledge of food allergies to become a better advocate and educator for my children & others to learn from. I am also interested in learning about blogging. My first child has now entered the world of elementary school. I would like to share my lunch creations that I pack (I like to add a little artistic flare to my allergy friendly lunches). I am ready for our story to be heard. I would be grateful for the opportunity to attend and wish everyone luck!

    1. Hi Ashley, the conference really is outstanding and I hope that you will consider attending. I was truly blown away by the presentations and anchored by the amazing sense of community.

  4. I first became aware of Nut Free Wok while my son and our family was facing harassment & discrimination at my son’s prekindergarten. Vivian Stock-Hendel’s 123… 504 Plan really introduced me to the world of 504’s and learning about my son’s rights. Using her article as a guide, I was able to draft up my accommodations list for my son. Unfortunately, his school did not view my son’s safety as a priority so I was also educated about OCR and how to file complaints. After leaving that school, I am happy to say we found a new school willing to accommodate my son and provide him a safe education using Vivian’s article as a resource to different types of accommodations to consider. Recently, I have also be able to educate myself/keep updated on the SB1266 Bill

    1. Hi Ashely, thank you for your kind words about Nut Free Wok. I love to share my recipes and it helps me to stay on track to fulfill my sons’ requests that I create a cookbook for them. But advocacy and raising awareness is my passion. Thank you for all of your support on SB 1266 and helping, we did it together! 😀

  5. I had hoped to attend Food Allergy Bloggers Conference this year, and heck, I might still – as a friend is attending who I’d love to meet in person. My youngest son who is now 2.5 years old was diagnosed when he was around 15 months old with severe peanut, tree nut and eggs allergies. (And a whole set of minor ones as well). FAB would be a wonderful weekend to just relax around others who get it, and don’t roll their eyes at us. I’d love to be able to talk openly with others and never have to feel we are a burden!

    1. Hi Sarah, I asked different food allergy mom friends from around the country to attend and some of them took me up on it, we had the best time ever. But it was also amazing to make new friends. I really do hope that you will be attending the conference! Let me know if you’ll be there. 🙂

  6. As a parent with a child of multiple food allergies not just ingestion but airborne and touch! Its hard, on top of food allergies my baby is asthmatic and has a connective tissue disorder, and a muscular myopathy. Its hard to live on one income, my husbands works to support us. I stay home due doctors appointments, therapies and home school as well. I would love to attend the Fab bloggers conference in light that it will expand what i have planned for the future! Ssshhhh its not out yet;) My husband would love to take me but being it would coat me and arm and leg just for the ticket its hard.

    1. Hi Stephanie,
      Wow, it sounds like you have a lot going on in your life. I hope you’ll be able to attend, but if not, save up for next year and register early for the early bird discount. It is an amazing opportunity and I will do my best to share about the conference during and afterwards.

  7. Nut Free Wok has been a great inspiration to me to branch out into using ingredients that I don’t normally use. Instead of passing the Asian isle in the store because I assumed that nothing was safe for my family because it would contain nuts, I’ve found myself picking up new ingredients and creating new recipes that I know my family will enjoy. I’ve also learned to make fluffy rice which is a staple in my weekly menu!

    1. Hi Ellie,
      Thank you for your comments, which make me smile and feel so happy. Yes, what you said is why I blog, if one loves Asian food, there’s no reason to avoid it if one reads labels and make their meals from scratch! <3

  8. As my son began his first day of Kindergarten today, I stood there in his class with tears in my eyes. I was worried about all the other things that most kindergarten moms and dads worry about, but I had another secret. I was nervous for my little man because he has food allergies. And I was nervous for his safety dispite all the meetings, medical drills, allergy signs posted. I was sending my little man off into a world where I didn’t have all the control and my safe bubble was not around him.
    We have a second child with the same food allergies. I feel like many opportunities have opened up with friends, co- workers, teachers, etc to advocate for their food allergies. I love creating new recipes for my kids and I’ve started a Facebook group as a place to share those with other families. I’ve considered jumping into the blogging world and this conference would give me the opportunity to meet and gain knowledge from the food allergy bloggers I turn to every day.

    1. Hi Ellie,
      Yes, every milestone in our children’s lives have an undercurrent of concern due to their hidden medical disability. It’s hard, but we are part of a supportive community and sharing your stories does raise awareness in your community. Like you, I had an inkling that I wanted to start a blog but the idea of what and why, didn’t hit me until I was at the conference and when I shared it, many seasoned bloggers and advocates shared their feedback. I hope that you will consider coming, I would love to meet you.

  9. My daughter began her life with all the tell-tale signs pointing to a life with allergies. Unfortunately, even the dreaded peanut allergy would rule our lives. As most “allergy moms” I became adept at reading, research & scanning for news about food allergies. Always in hope of the cure that would save us from this horrific ailment. Eventually, the closest one came – Oral Immunotherapy was the therapy we would seek out for our daughter. My plan was to blog from the beginning and forever on about our experience. And i started it & did much of, but fizzled after a graduation! I’d love to attend the Food Allergy Blogger Conference in order to breathe life into my blog and figure out how to continue into the “forever on” part of blogging since I’ve pretty much halted my actual blogging experience. I have more to say, I’m just not sure where or how to begin again.

    1. Hi Sara,
      You are an amazing mother and wife and have had a few high priority events take place. You also have a beautiful, reflective “voice” and I know that when you are ready, your blog will take off again. I do hope you’ll come (no pressure) if you can get away this year, and if not then there’s always next year! <3