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  1. Thanks for the blue smoke recommendation. The whole family loved it! We emailed with the manager before coming in and they were super accommodating. They even have a special allergy menu that lists the allergens for each dish.
    We also explored and ate safely at:
    Hill country chicken
    Dig inn
    Erin McKenna Bakery (all top allergens free, but they do use coconut)
    Shake shack

    I found people in NY were generally very knowledgeable and nice about food allergies. It helped that several of these restaurants are chains so we could explore neighborhoods knowing we would have safe places to eat nearby. Shake shack has a great website where you input your allergens and they show you which foods are safe. Would love to bring the kids back.

    1. You’re welcome! I’m glad you find the guide helpful. I think it’s a good starting place for finding a restaurant that suits your family’s needs. I think your family would really like Senza Gluten!

  2. Oh man your airport experience is epic – so many areas where you can come into cross contact! I found New York pretty good with my allergies, similar to you I do a lot of research before hand and Chipotle is always a good backup!

    1. I know, it’s pretty crazy…I don’t think I’ll ever forget that feeling of horror in slow motion as I watched her unwrap the dropped piece of turkey and put it in my sandwich. ….stooooooooop…sooooo groooooooossssss….noooooo! lol

  3. What a great list of restaurants! I’ve never heard of Monte’s—I’ll have to try it soon. Just as a heads up: Eleni’s has closed their Chelsea Market location. But for those looking to stop by a nut-free bakery, Baked Cravings is a great options.