If you’re looking for a nut-free store bought cookie, you need to know about Fancypants Baking Co. cookies. They’re also beautiful, delicious, nut-free and perfect to have when you need some cookies. This is an allergy mom unicorn find, a unique nut-free treat that also uses non-GMO ingredients and fruit and veggie food dyes.
Updates: Fancypants sponsored a giveaway, which was completed in 2017. This post was updated on 12/6/2022 for minor edits for readability purposes.
Disclaimer: Please check that all ingredients are suitable for your allergies and be sure to ask your medical care team regarding any allergy related questions (I do not share medical advice). As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Meet Maura, She’s Inspiring
I first met Maura, one of the owners at Fancypants Baking Co., a few years ago at the Winter Fancy Food Show in San Francisco. One of the first few questions I had for her was what was her connection to food allergies and why did she decide to start a nut-free bakery. I was unprepared for her touching answer.
One of Maura’s best friends has a child with severe food allergies to peanuts and tree nuts and when her friend shared her food allergy related stories and struggles with her, Maura realized that food allergies are a serious issue. She wanted to make a product that children with peanut and tree nut allergies could enjoy!
We all need a BFF like Maura, someone who hears our story and feels compassion for our situation. And may we all be like Maura too, to take action to make someone’s life a little better, a little simpler, a little safer. Maybe you have a story inside of you that needs to be shared or an idea you need to act upon.
My Kids’ Response to Tasty Cookies
Since I had never tried Fancypants Baking cookies before, Maura gave me some cute decorated cookies to share with my family and I took them home along with samples from other companies at the show. Here’s what happened when I got home….
My sons looked through my bags of goodies, zeroed in on the cookies, and after checking with me if they’re safe, crumbs started flying, I heard “these are the best cookies ever” and within an hour all of the samples were gobbled up. This happens every year with every Fancypants Baking treat I bring home.
The professionally decorated cookies are cheerful, cute, and whimsical. My sons are incredibly accepting of my homemade, sometimes borderline kitchen-fail treats but I can see that they enjoyed looking at the Fancypants Baking cookies in their hands. It was meaningful for me to watch them enjoy a bakery treat in a carefree way just like any other kid.
Allergy Mom Approved: Non-GMO, No Artificial Food Colorings, Nut Free
As a food allergy mom, I’ve been reading ingredient labels for awhile to find nut free items and I lean toward buying food products that do not contain artificial food colorings, uses clean ingredients (not artificially derived ingredients), and are GMO free. Finding nut-free and junky ingredients free treats is like the allergy mom equivalent of finding a unicorn in the supermarket.
Fancypants Baking products use fruit and vegetable based dyes, all clean ingredients (King Arthur Flour, cage free eggs, butter from local farms), and are non-GMO and are Kosher. They’re also nut-free with a comprehensive allergen control plan (see their allergen statement). And all of their decorated cookies are handmade, using their own cookie cutter designs, hand cut, and individually decorated. They are perfect for special occasions, party favors, and gifts.
Luckily for me, I can find Fancypants Baking Crunch Cookies (affiliate) on the shelves of my local supermarket. The Crunch Cookies come in a variety of popular and seasonal flavors in resealable 5 oz bags and also available in larger sizes at Costco in certain locations. I love knowing that I can stop by at the store to buy some cookies if I need a treat to share when going to a school function or a potluck. These yum cookies are a great conversation starter about food allergies and maybe you’ll end up talking with your own Maura. <3

Unicorn Cookies Giveaway! (winner selected)
I wanted to celebrate this fabulous allergy mom unicorn food find by picking two winners to each receive a gift set of 6 Fancypants Baking Co. Unicorn decorated cookies in a gift box.
- One giveaway is at the end of the post, just click the button that says “Enter the Giveaway” and you will have multiple opportunities to earn entries.
- The second giveaway will be hosted on Nut Free Wok’s Facebook page, to enter: look for the post about this giveaway and in the comments, tag 1 friend to tell them about the giveaway. You may enter more than once, each comment will be one entry.
Both giveaways will begin October 10, 2017 and end on October 19, 2017 at 12:00 a.m. Pacific Time. I will randomly select a winner for both giveaways and contact them by email or Facebook private message on 10/19 to confirm your shipping address. Winners will have 24 hours to respond and if I don’t hear from them, I will pick another winner. The giveaway is open to people with US addresses only, one winner per family/household. No purchase is necessary.
Please note that the cookies are nut free but do contain wheat, eggs, and milk and some cookies might contain or be made on shared equipment with soy lecithen. You must read the ingredient labels and ensure allergen safety before sharing or eating. The giveaway is sponsored by Fancypants Baking Co. and not affiliated with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc..
Good luck!
P.S. 25% off promo code is good through 10/31/17
As I had previously shared in my write up about WFFS17, Nut Free Wok readers can save 25% off of their online orders through October 31, 2017. Order ASAP if you want Halloween cookies to arrive in time. Use the promo code: SharonWong25. Visit Fancypants Baking website at www.fancypantsbakery.com to order.
Thanks for reading, please help Nut Free Wok!
If you like this post or recipe, please be sure to give a 5 star rating, leave a comment, and share this post! Your support means a lot to me.
Subscribe to Nut Free Wok’s email subscription (be sure to respond to the confirmation email). You will be notified by email next time I publish another post or recipe and I won’t send you spam or share your email address with anyone.
I may mention the names of stores and/or brand names of products that I use because readers ask and I share products and sources which I use and think may be helpful to readers, all opinions are my own. Please note that manufacturing practices and ingredients can change at anytime without notice and readers are always responsible for assuring allergen safety before buying or consuming foods. NutFreeWok.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Thank you for reading!
my favorite cookie is chocolate chunk.
My favorite cookie is chocolate chip! But really, there’s no cookie I won’t eat 🙂
Hahaha, asking what’s your favorite cookie is really an unncessary question to ask. 😉
I love snickerdoodles.
Love these! Thanks for he code
You’re welcome!
I lke peanut butter cookies.
My favorite cookie is a warm homemade chocolate chip cookie.
Those cookies are so pretty! I was lucky to win your Rodelle giveaway last year… not sure if these cookies will ship to Germany 😉
Shortbread cookies are my all time favorite! So buttery and good!
Love this blog and these cookies!
This is so neat can’t wait to check them out for my peanut allergy daughter. My favorite cookies chocolate chip!
Love Fancypants and Nutfreewok!!!!