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  1. I would love to try this soon. I think we usually have all the ingredients on hand! Seems easy, a quick fun treat for busy weekends…

    Should the ice be in cubes or crushed?

    Should the salt be table salt or coarse salt?

    Is one type better to use?

    1. It’s a fun activity for kids to try especially when they’re cooped up during the winter or bored on a hot summer day! I think whatever kind of ice you have should be fine, but crushed ice will give you more contact but might melt faster. So if you have both, use both! It’s actually ideal to use rock salt, sometimes labelled as Ice Cream Salt, which looks like pebbles.

  2. I am just curious as a fellow nut allergic person. Did Rodelle mention, that their Almond Extract is manufactured elsewhere?

    1. I had asked them about the topic of almond extract, they do not use the type of almonds that we eat, but bitter almond oil (edit) which is from peach, plum, and apricot pits. Apparently the FDA does not consider their almond extract allergenic, and this is generally true with most companies which make extracts. I personally would not use almond extract out of precaution but feel comfortable with the presence of it in the facility. You may want to reach out to Rodelle with your own specific questions because it’s important for you to feel absolutely safe.

        1. You’re welcome! I re-read my comment and realized that I made a mistake, I meant to say ” bitter almond OIL which is from peach, plum, and apricot pits” and edited my comment. One word can make a difference, LOL!