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  1. I’m so happy to hear about your experience flying. My son is both peanut and dairy allergic, and flying is stressful. I think it’s Southwest that no longer serves peanuts only cookies or pretzels. But they still always allow us to early board to swipe everything clean. But Delta did have a problem getting my son a dairy free meal and snack coming back from overseas. But happily they now offer a dairy free meal….we were having to order vegan before….we like meat. I never feel bad about boarding early….I love it! First class may have paid more, but a clean seating area for us is a bigger priority. Anything for their health. Love your blog! Just made your Mochi cake with almond milk since we were out of coconut milk….it’s cooling now!

    1. Hi Erin, thank you so much for your message. I feel like we just had a quick chat over coffee! 😉 I hope you are having a wonderful summer with lots of safe travels and yummy mochi!

    1. Hmm, it’s been a few years since we went so things could have changed. Chipotle works for us so we ate there when we could. I noticed that some of the cafeterias at the national musuems have options. For example the cafeteria at the supreme court building uses a bread which is labeled “made in a nut free facility” (of course this could have changed since we visited). We stayed at a Residence Inn in Foggy Bottom and that was great, easy access to the train station and Trader Joe’s so we could buy familiar food, and my hubby and I took turns cooking our meals. If you find any good places to eat, please share! Have fun, I love DC!