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  1. Sharon, So happy to have found your recipes and techniques. Our family has a member with gluten allergy (celiac) and also another with dairy allergy. I learned to cook in the Chinese/Cantonese way from my mother in law when I married 40 years ago, and it is so helpful to have technique and recipe adjustments to accommodate when trying to adapt traditional recipes and taste to a gluten free and/or dairy free allergy. I am trying the Nian Gao recipe for Lunar New Year today. So far, so good! It is steaming away in my Chinese stacked steamer. I used the pian tang brown slab sugar instead of brown, and dissolved it slowly on the stove in a saucepan with the 3/4 cup water. Took a while but it has a very different taste from regular brown sugar used for baking. That would be a good substitute though. My dough seemed a much thinner batter than you described as a “gooey mass” but I have made Japanese mochi for years (husband from Hawaii and loves many other Asian cuisines as well) and it was similar to the texture of many of my baked or microwaved mochi recipes. We are also going to try the sticky rice with lup chong for a new year party. But I cannot find the recipe again. Your Chinese style steamed fish recipe looks awesome and we will be trying that soon. Thanks for the tips and recipes,Barb