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  1. Thank you!! Just FYI my spouse is Thai and my daughter is PN/TN allergic. You are amazing and are doing such an awesome thing by writing the blog. Thank yo

    1. I see Wang (?) everywhere and use it all the time. I think they’re the ones who told me, “There are no nuts in noodles, why are you calling!?!” LOL Next time I buy some, I’ll post a photo for reference.

    1. Thank you, Michelle, you’re so sweet to offer! This was a fun one to throw together with ingredients on hand, something healthy, something yummy, and something traditional.

    1. Thanks, Ashley! Aren’t rice ovalettes so good? It’s really surprising something that starts off looking like something fun to throw would be so tasty! 😉

  2. I am so excited to see this! Growing up a Korean friend sometimes got us those rice ovalettes but I have not seen or heard anything about them in years. I could not remember what they were called, and google was not helping. Now that I know what they are called I can hopefully find them again.

    In other news, this recipe looks delicious. My family has quite a few food allergies, and I love finding other allergy friendly blogs.

    1. Awesome Debra, so glad you like this recipe! Let me know if you ever need help with making something allergy safe for your relatives, they’ll love you forever for thinking about how to make something allergy safe for them. <3

  3. I love greens. My mom made them for me every spring just when the garden got started. No one can match that flavor… but this recipe looks fantastic! I love how it looks and I can almost smell it through the computer ! YUM!

    1. Marye, what a lovely memory for you, I love childhood garden to table memories too. I’ve tried to grow baby greens many times and it’s either too hot or snails/slugs get to them before I can!

  4. 5 stars
    I like the idea of using baby greens in Korean rice. The Korean rice I have had in the past has other veggies but no baby greans. You have a great recipe here, Sharon.